Monday, October 09, 2006

HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!

so rehearsal is going ok i guess. i miss all the good stuff though cuz im on duty, which sucks. Kaitlin and i have made it through a month together, which is now officially my longest relationship, if you can count the others as relationships.... i'm so happy with what i have with her, it sort of scares me, but in a good way.

anyways...... as for an explaination of the title.... IM GOING SKYDIVING!!!! you know like jumpin out of a plane at 14000 ft only being saved from death by a piece of fabric. comforting huh? i have no idea how im going to pull this off. i cant look over the ledge of the 2nd floor of the mall without freaking out. climbing up stairs to a 6 ft platform on stage.... yea not fun. please 14000ft ha i couldnt think of anything easier....... maybe staying in the plane? so yea if this is my last blog, fairwell to all. its been a blast.

Later Dayz... hopefully


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